Shohar Ko Apna Banane Ki Dua
Shohar Ko Apna Banane Ki Dua
Shohar Ko Apna Banane Ki Dua
Shohar Ko Apna Banane Ki Dua, A dua is a powerful way of asking Allah to fulfill your wishes. Allah knows all so He knows what is best for you and what is not. This is why you must have faith in Allah. A dua can be used to help you find the right path to get what you want.
You can resort to all types of ways to get what you want. However, the path shown to you by Allah will be the most successful one and the best one. This applies when you are making a shohar ko apnabanane ki dua. This type of dua can help make your bond with your husband very strong.
The best thing about dua is how easy it is to make. You can make dua at any time during the day. However, it is advised that you make a dua after you have bathed and are clean. You should make dua with a clear heart and mind. You can make dua in your own words. This helps you express what you want with ease.
You are the person who knows what you want. You know your husband and this is why you should make your own dua. A dua will work the most when you make dua for yourself by yourself. This will work well than when other people make a dua for you. You can make the dua as specific as you want to make it.
Shohar Ko Apna Gulam Banane Ki Dua
A shohar ko apna banane ki dua can be: ‘Allah. I want you to make my husband mine again. I have been his devoted wife since we have been married. I love him with all my heart. However, I have noticed a problem recently. He is getting attracted to other women. It seems like he does not love me anymore.
Earlier, he used to be so caring and loving. Now, he ignores me after he comes home from work. He doesn’t eat the food that I prepare for him. He is not interested in me anymore. Please make him love me again. I want him to be mine again like he used to be when we married. Please Lord, answer my prayers.’
Do you want your husband to listen to everything you say? You may be more logical and more practical than him in life. In such a case, you can ask Allah to make your husband your slave. A shohar ko apnagulambanane ki duacan be as follows: ‘I pray to you Allah. My husband is not thinking straight.
He just spends and does not think about saving. We have recently married but he does not seem to think of a secure future. Please make him listen to whatever I say. I only want what is best for both of us. I want us to have a great life now and in the future. Please make him my gulam so that we can create a happy life together and live happily always.’
Is your husband upset with you? Have you done something that has caused him to be sad? Then you can make a shohar ko manane ki dua. An example of such type of dua is ‘Allah, the Almighty. I have unknowingly hurt my husband. I made a small joke and he got very upset. It was not my intention to hurt him in any way.
I want him to be his usual happy seld again. Please show me the path so that he can forgive me. I do not want him to be so upset with me. I love him with all my heart which is why this is very painful. Please Lord, understand my anguish and show me how I can make him happy again.’
Shohar Ko Manane Ki Dua
When you are a true deewani of your husband you want him to be a deewana of you. When you truly love your husband, you can make a shohar ko deewanabanane ki dua. This dua will help your husband see only the good in you and help you become closer. You can make such a dua like this ‘Allah, the saviour.
I have done everything in my will to love my husband. I want him to love me like I love him. Please Lord, make him my deewana. I will do everything I can to ensure that we stay close and happy always. Once he is my deewana, I promise to make our marriage the best marriage. I will be a good wife I promise. Please grant my wish Allah.’
Does your shohar have bad habits that you want him to leave? Do you want harmony in your relationship? If so, then you can make a shohar ko sudharne ki dua. This dua will help you get peace in your relationship. You may use the format of dua: ‘Allah, our protector.
Shohar Ko Deewana Banane Ki Dua
You know I do so much for my husband and our children. We have been livign harmoniously since such a long time. But ever since my husband has started to drink, he is not like himself anymore. He gets upset very quickly and he uses abusive language too. I want that he becomes a good husband like he was in the beginning. I want him to get rid of all the bad habits that he has. Please answer my prayer Lord.’
You must have patience for Allah to answer your shohar ko apnabanane ki dua. Allah will give you the answers to your questions at the perfect time. When you have an inclination to do something then just do it. However, remember that you feel good when you do it. You will just feel it from inside.
Shohar Ko Sudharne Ki Dua
When you feel really good then consider it Allah’s way to show you the path to what you need. You will be able to get close to your husband again. You can get your dua answered quickly by being a good person who only does good deeds. Once you are a fantastic wife, your husband will definitely love you unconditionally.